Zapier: How to trigger a new connection event on LinkedIn and capture profile data

This Zap will auto-visit new connections on LinekdIn.

To capture a new LinkedIn connection event in Zapier, create a new Zap and select the Dux-Soup app as your trigger:

You will then need to select the ‘New LinekdIn Connection Event':

Click on the Continue button, connect your Dux-Soup account and click on the ‘Test trigger’ button. Confirm the trigger event by clicking on the ‘Continue with the selected record’ and add Dux-Soup as the action app:

Then, select the ‘Visit’ action:

You will need to confirm the Dux-Soup account once again and indicate the Profile URL in the following way:

The Zap is now completed and ready to publish:

If you record profiles, all profile data including emails from new LinekdIn connections can be downloaded in a CSV file.

How to record profile data in a CSV file

If you want it recorded somewhere else like CRM, you need to create another Zap and trigger the visit event.

How to trigger a LinkedIn profile visit

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