SharpSpring CRM integration

You can find your connectors here:

Once you install SharpSpring connector and you can enable these options:

Create and update Opportunities - Opportunity is created for each profile on SharpSpring.

Please note that, Opportunity option will change to Needs Analysis once a prospect sends a reply on LinkedIn:

Update Contact after connecting - Dux-Soup updates contacts with relevant information once they become your 1st-degree connections

Please note! SharpSpring does not allow creating profiles without emails. So if the prospect does not have an email, Dux-Soup connector will not transfer data to SharpSpring.

You can also select one of these filters:

Do not create & update People from profile views - Dux-Soup will not add prospects to your CRM when you are visiting profiles.

Create & update People from connected profiles - Dux-Soup will collect data and update your CRM with 1st-degree connections only.

Create & update People from tagged profiles - you can select from a list of your tags, what tags (tagged profiles) should be worked on:

Create & update People from all profiles - Dux-Soup will add all prospects to your CRM when you use Visit Profile or Visit & Connect functions.

You can also set up activities through your SharpSpring CRM account like messaging, enrolling contact and sending a connection request: