A guide to using the Activity Log

The Dux-Soup Activity Log page is available within Dux-Dash for Pro and Turbo users. Here, you can find a queued activity for all Dux-Soup campaigns and do the following actions:

  • Filter previous activity by campaign name (Turbo only).
  • Find the past action for a specific LinekdIn profile by name or URL.
  • Filter past activity by action (visit, connection request, endorse, follow, follow-up, InMail).
  • Filter past activity by action status (failed, successful or retried).
  • Open the profile on LinkedIn.
  • Rerun selected past actions, i.e. add them to Dux-Soup Queued Activity (Turbo only).

If an action fails due to timeout or extraction errors and you have Dux-Soup Turbo, it will be automatically retried up to 3 times. The first retry will take place within one hour of the initial failed action. The second retry will occur one day after the first retry, and the third retry will be scheduled for 3 days after the second retry.