What is “Search by tag” and how does it work?

If you want to find your previously tagged profiles, use the "Search by Tag" tool.

Search by Tag tool is available for Expert user interface users and Turbo users for Regular user interface. Pro users that are running the Regular user interface would need to switch to Expert.

The Search By Tag option is different for Pro and Turbo users.

Search By Tag for Pro users

To access the tool, open a blank Chrome tab and click on the Dux-Soup icon, then choose "Search by Tag"

Here, enter the tag and it will load up a list of your tagged profiles

You can then use Enroll, Visit Profile, Visit & Connect or Scan functions on the list to retrieve data or run Dux-Soup automation functions on the list of tagged profiles:

Search By Tag for Turbo users

To access the tool, open a blank Chrome tab and click on the Dux-Soup icon, then choose "Search by Tag"

You will be taken to Dux-Dash where you will be able to manage tags (remove tags, update tag name):

You will also be able to download all the selected tag lists in a CSV file:

Watch this short video tutorial on how to tag profiles and search for tags.